2024 Reading List

Happy Friday, glow getters! As I continue to ease into the new year and gear up for the big 4-0 in August, I've got an incredible lineup of books planned. Some of you might recall my pride and excitement in reading 12 books back in 2022. While achieving that goal meant the world to me, I've since learned that it's more valuable to take my time and fully digest a book rather than sticking to a timeline. With that in mind, I may or may not get to or through all the books on my list. However, book 1 holds my unwavering commitment, as I know it will leave the most profound impact. So, let's dive into my list, and I'd love for you to join me in exploring these books.

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January Edit: Cozy, Comfy and Easy

Welcome to Shalyce’s Style Files, your new go-to source for monthly inspiration covering everything from fashion to home essentials and beyond. As a former subscriber to fashion magazines such as Elle and Vogue, I always found joy in perusing the editorial spreads showcasing luxurious pieces and must-have products. Now, I'm embarking on my unique journey, offering a fresh perspective and a diverse selection of items, with a focus on affordability. Join me as we explore a world of life + style through curated mood boards that cater to various price points and reflects my personal take on fashion and lifestyle. Items in these monthly round ups will include a mix of my own treasured favorites, as well as products and pieces I’m eyeing.

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FashionShalyce TysonComment
Beyond a Word of the Year: Planning an Intentional Year with Monthly Themes

Hey glow getters! Guess what? I turn 40 this year, and I'm determined to make it a year to remember! I typically create a word for the year, like many of us, to set the tone for year. In addition to that, I've decided to take it a step further and create monthly themes, each focusing on different aspects of joy, self-love, growth, and celebration. Although I’m focused on less announcements and more action this year, I felt compelled, in the spirit of community, to share my current list of monthly themes, so you can adopt some of these and create others of your own.

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9 Tips for Navigating Your Unique Path This Year

Hey Glow Getters! As we step into week 2 of 2024, let's talk about navigating our unique paths, with a heavy emphasis on the unique. Life's a journey, right? Full of twists and turns, and our endeavors unfold in legs, each deserving its own moment in the spotlight. In order to really achieve our goals this year, we have to take a good look at the path we’re on to ensure we’re heading in the right direction for this season. I don’t know about you, but I want to be on course this year. Let’s get into 9 ways to do this.

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TipsShalyce TysonComment
3 Things I'm Doing to Ease into the New Year

Happy New Year glow getters! Is it me or did 2023 fly by?! As start a new year, there's this excitement in the air for a fresh start. Rather than immediately chasing new goals, I look forward to easing in the new year by making January my reset month. I hope you’ll join me as it's a chance to look back, catch our breath, and set the tone for the months ahead. Today, I’m sharing why January is our month for realigning, recalibrating, and owning our journey and how you can do this along with me.

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Holding Space for Those Grieving: A Guide to Compassionate Support

This post has been on my heart to write for some time now. When I lost my dad in 2020, I was so comforted by how family and friends supported me during such a difficult time. That experience also taught me ways to show up for others, along with things to avoid. Grief is a deeply personal journey, and when someone we care about is navigating the challenging path of loss, it's crucial to offer support in a way that respects their unique experience. Holding space for those grieving requires a delicate balance of presence, empathy, and understanding. In this post, we'll explore meaningful ways to provide comfort and support during such difficult times.

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5 Things I love to Do When I Travel to the Islands

Travel was on my vision board this year, and I’m grateful for all the amazing destinations I was able to visit this year. Of my trips so far this year, island vacations have been the most enjoyable. There's something undeniably magical about the islands – the sun, the sand, the sea, and the vibrant local cultures. From leisurely explorations to savoring the tastiest island bites, each trip is a new opportunity for relaxation and discovery. So, let's kick back and chat about the top five things I genuinely love to do when I travel to the islands.

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Shalyce TysonComment
THRIVE: The Breakdown

If you’re an OG member of the glow getter gang, you probably remember the collection of tees and hoodies I came out with that said thriving over surviving. They were a hit and for good reason. Not simply because people love cute pieces they can just throw on, but more so because of the message. In the quest for a more fulfilling and joyful life, we often seek complex solutions when, in fact, the path to thriving can be simplified. Today, I’m sharing some concepts to break down the word thrive that are practical guidelines that can help us lead a happier and more vibrant life.

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Redefining Consistency by Embracing Authenticity and Balance

In a world that often glorifies relentless daily grind, I’m here to shake the table and redefine consistency. I’ve learned that it’s essential to recognize that true consistency for me as a creator isn't about robotically putting out content day after day. Instead, it's about finding a rhythm that aligns with my life, values, and creative process. So today, I’m sharing five things I'm normalizing as I continually redefine consistency, and perhaps they will set you free, too.

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How I'm Preparing for the Month Ahead to Eliminate Stress

The year is flying by, and so has the month of August. The past few days I’ve been thinking ahead about September. I’m in the process of creating routines to make my days, weeks and months run smoother. One routine I’m incorporating is using the last week of the month to plan ahead for the next month. One thing I know is planning really helps to minimize stress. Today, I’m sharing 3 things I’m doing now for next month.

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3 Steps for Moms to Have More Fun in the Kitchen

If you’ve been following along in my Instagram Stories, then you’ll likely saw that I’ve been having a little fun in the kitchen the last few weeks, since returning from vacation last month. For many moms, the kitchen can often feel like a place of never-ending tasks and responsibilities. It’s like you worked all day, and now you have to cook…sounds like a set up, right?! However, it's important to remember that the kitchen can also be a space for creativity, relaxation, and quality time with your loved ones. And that’s exactly the vibe I’ve been tapping into lately. Here are three simple steps that can help moms infuse more fun into their kitchen experiences…

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7 Benefits of Creating Roadmaps When Goal Planning

Setting goals is a powerful way to envision our desired future and to motivate ourselves to go after it. However, the journey from setting a goal to achieving it is rarely a straight path. This is where creating roadmaps comes into play. Just as a map guides travelers on a journey, a well-constructed roadmap serves as a guide for navigating the process towards success.

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10 Lessons from Closing My Event Planning Business After 10 Years

Closing a business that you've poured your heart and soul into for a decade is not easy. It's a decision filled with mixed emotions, reflecting on the past while stepping into the unknown future. As I navigated the process of closing my former business, Sensational Soirees, last year, I gained invaluable insights that have shaped my perspective on life, business, and personal growth. Now, more than 8 months later, I’ve had a chance to reflect even more, and today I’m unpacking 10 lessons emerged, which highlight the importance of embracing change and growth.

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8 Strategies for Closing the Excess Mental Tabs

Do you have too many tabs open in your brain? I know many times I do, so let’s talk about it. In our fast-paced world, our lives are often cluttered with countless open tabs not just in our brains, but also on our phones and computers, too. This overabundance of information and seemingly urgent tasks can lead to feelings of overwhelm and hinder our productivity. Closing excess tabs, both literally and figuratively, can significantly improve our focus and bring a sense of peace. Today, I’m sharing 8 ways I declutter my digital space and free my mind for increased productivity and to lessen anxiety.

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The Momference 2023 Recap

The Momference is one event I look forward to annually! It’s more than a conference…it’s like homecoming for black moms. This year, I not only attended the conference, but had the pleasure of serving as the moderator for the kick off conversation on Authenticity and Rest. It was a wonderful weekend, and here is my recap…

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