2024 Reading List

As I continue to ease into the new year and gear up for the big 4-0 in August, I've got an incredible lineup of books planned. Some of you might recall my pride and excitement in reading 12 books back in 2022. While achieving that goal meant the world to me, I've since learned that it's more valuable to take my time and fully digest a book rather than sticking to a timeline.

With that in mind, I may or may not get to or through all the books on my list. However, book 1 holds my unwavering commitment, as I know it will leave the most profound impact. So, let's dive into my list, and I'd love for you to join me in exploring these books.

1. The Bible & The Bible in 52 Weeks by Dr. Kimberly D. Moore

Kicking things off with THEE book, The Bible. This is the year I finally endeavor to read the entire Bible. Paired with Dr. Kimberly D. Moore's "The Bible in 52 Weeks," this duo is my spiritual anchor for the year.

2. Jesus Calling Devotions for Every Day of the Year by Sarah Young

Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling" is my daily dose of spiritual goodness. Join me as I find solace and inspiration in these reflections amidst life's hustle.

3. Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age by Sanjay Gupta

I started this book some time ago, but didn’t finish it. However, I’m excited to pick it back up and dig into the science of a sharper mind and actionable tips to keep my brain cells buzzing because mom brain is all too real for your girl.

4. Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab

I love Nedra Glover Tawwab's Instagram content, so I’m looking forward to reclaiming some parts of myself through her wisdom and insights.

5. I Did a New Thing: 30 Days to Living Free by Tabitha Brown

I absolutely loved Auntie Tab’s first book, Feeding the Soul. Needless to say, reading her next book is a no brainer.

6. Sisterhood Heals by Joy Harden Bradford

Given my focus on community, I feel this book will be so in line with the work I do and events I host.

7. Atomic Habits by James Clear

I hear this book is a game-changer, and I feel like it’s one I started reading but didn’t finish, so let’s try this again.

8. The garden within by dr. anita phillips

I’ve been hearing good things about this book, so I’m looking forward to digging through the topic of emotions and living a powerful life.

9. Speak: Find Your Voice, Trust Your Gut, and Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Tunde Oyeneyin

Tunde is my favorite Peloton instructor, so I’m excited to go through her S.P.E.A.K. framework.

10. The Psychology of Money by Morgan housel

I read a finance book every year, and I heard this one was really good, so look forward to gaining some gems from it for wealth building.

Let's make 2024 a year of enlightenment and transformation through the power of words. Happy reading, glow getters!

Have a glowing day!

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