3 Steps for Moms to Have More Fun in the Kitchen

If you’ve been following along in my Instagram Stories, then you’ll likely saw that I’ve been having a little fun in the kitchen the last few weeks, since returning from vacation last month. For many moms, the kitchen can often feel like a place of never-ending tasks and responsibilities. It’s like you worked all day, and now you have to cook…sounds like a set up, right?! However, it's important to remember that the kitchen can also be a space for creativity, relaxation, and quality time with your loved ones. And that’s exactly the vibe I’ve been tapping into lately.

Here are three simple steps that can help moms infuse more fun into their kitchen experiences:

1. Buy and Flip Through Cookbooks for Inspiration

Sometimes I believe moms dread the kitchen is because we get tired of our meal rotation. This is where cookbooks come in. Investing in just a few cookbooks can breathe new life into your cooking routine. Take the time to flip through these books, not just for recipes, but for the inspiration they hold. The colorful pictures, personal anecdotes, and unique flavor combinations can give you inspiration and make cooking feel more like an exciting adventure rather than a chore. Here are 2 of my cookbook recommendations.

2. Choose at Least 1 New Recipe to Try Each Week

Again, routine can sometimes lead to kitchen monotony. Break free from the mundane by setting a goal to try at least one new recipe each week. This could be a dish from a new cookbook or a recipe you found online. Trying new recipes exposes you to different techniques, ingredients, and flavors. Plus, the satisfaction of successfully cooking something new can be incredibly rewarding. This approach not only keeps things interesting but also fuels your culinary creativity. I have truly felt like a chef executing new recipes the past few weeks.

3. Let Your Child Be Your Sous Chef for Fun and Bonding

Incorporate family time into your cooking routine by inviting your child(ren) to be your sous chef. Depending on their age, they can help with age-appropriate tasks like washing vegetables, mixing ingredients, or even assisting with plating. This not only makes cooking more enjoyable but also fosters bonding and teamwork. Your child will cherish the memories of cooking together and learning valuable life skills. Plus, their presence in the kitchen can infuse an element of playfulness and spontaneity.

Remember, the kitchen can be a hub for having fun and creating cherished memories. By following these three steps—exploring cookbooks for inspiration, trying new recipes regularly, and involving your child in the process—you can transform cooking from a chore into a joyful experience that benefits both you and your family. So put on your apron, gather your ingredients, and let the fun begin!

Share the link for a new recipe you plan to try soon.

Have a glowing day!