How I'm Preparing for the Month Ahead to Eliminate Stress

The year is flying by, and so has the month of August. The past few days I’ve been thinking ahead about September. I’m in the process of creating routines to make my days, weeks and months run smoother. One routine I’m incorporating is using the last week of the month to plan ahead for the next month. One thing I know is planning really helps to minimize stress. Today, I’m sharing 3 things I’m doing now for next month.

1. Set the Tone for Your Schedule Now

The first way I’m preparing for the month ahead is by taking a good look at my calendar, and you should do the same. Is it already packed with commitments and obligations? If so, you have choices — you can keep everything on there if they are all things you’re looking forward to or really have to do. Alternatively, you can make changes to the schedule. I was telling a friend recently who had 3 parties to go to in 1 day that she should say no to 1 or more them because that was a lot. While it’s good to support others, it’s also important to honor our bandwidth.

Additionally, we need to block off days or even just a few hours here and there to relax or engage in activities that bring us joy. Whether you have plans or not, block off the time NOW. This proactive approach ensures that you won't overbook yourself or leave no room for spontaneity. By designating specific times for relaxation or fun, you're sending a signal to yourself and others that your well-being matters. Whether it's reading a book, doing a skincare regimen, or indulging in a hobby, this time is essential for recharging your energy and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

I’m looking forward to September now because I’ve planned it out with not just things I have to do, but with things I want to do.

2. Arrange Help in Advance

Help can come in a myriad of forms. For those with children, securing childcare is often a critical aspect of planning. Instead of scrambling to find a last-minute babysitter, take a proactive approach by soliciting help ahead of time. I’m planning to reach out to family members and our nanny to go over the schedule of the month and to see where they can assist. I typically do this last minute and it causing me unnecessary stress, so I’m planning ahead.

Seeking help at work in advance can be helpful, too. I work in recruitment full-time, so I already started reaching out to colleagues last week to fill in the gaps for recruitment events, so it all doesn’t fall on me. We can also plan for help on the home front, from scheduling home cleaning in advance, hair appointments, and more. Service providers are often booked and busy, so the earlier we can lock them in the better. I’m excited that we already have our cleaning service scheduled to come throughout September. This again will help to avoid stress and to ensure availability.

3. Reflect, Set Intentions, and Goal PLAN

As the current month comes to a close, I’m taking some time to reflect on the wins and challenges I’ve experienced, and I’m recommending you do the same. What accomplishments are you proud of? What obstacles did you overcome? Reflection not only allows you to acknowledge your achievements but also provides insight into areas that might need improvement. I’m proud that I’ve accomplished many business goals this month and did great cooking new recipes. I missed the mark on my decluttering project, so I’m giving that my attention as we head into September.

With your reflection as a foundation, set your intentions and goals for the month ahead. What do you hope to achieve? Is there a project you want to complete, or a new habit you want to cultivate? Setting clear intentions and measurable goals gives you a roadmap to follow, helping you stay focused and motivated throughout the month.

Remember, the small steps you take now can have a significant impact on the quality of your days. So, seize the opportunity to prepare for the month ahead and make it a month of growth, joy, and accomplishment.

What’s one thing you’re doing this week to prepare for September? Share in the comments.

Have a glowing day!