THRIVE: The Breakdown

If you’re an OG member of the glow getter gang, you probably remember the collection of tees and hoodies I came out with that said thriving over surviving. They were a hit and for good reason. Not simply because people love cute pieces they can just throw on, but more so because of the message. In the quest for a more fulfilling and joyful life, we often seek complex solutions when, in fact, the path to thriving can be simplified. Today, I’m sharing some concepts to break down the word thrive that are practical guidelines that can help us lead a happier and more vibrant life.

I want to be transparent in saying the principles I’m sharing are those I have to work at continually. In short, I don’t have it all figured out y’all. However, I think more of us should share as we’re growing, instead of solely when we have arrived. There is value and space for both. I’m a proud work in process. So today, I’m sharing what I’m learning, in hopes that together we will more consistently thrive.

Now, let’s define thrive. It simply means to prosper or flourish. This looks different for everyone. If someone or something thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, or strong. We must keep in mind though that we are human, so again, understanding this could look different day to day and season to season. Take time to ask yourself what does or could thriving look like for you now or in the future, in all facets of life? Write it down. And now, let’s break THRIVE down…

T for Time

Let's face it; we all have the same 24 hours in a day. How we choose to spend those hours can significantly impact our well-being. Thriving involves mastering the art of time management. Think about it - when you allocate your time wisely, you create space for what truly matters.

For instance, if you're constantly glued to your phone or lost in a never-ending stream of emails, it might be time to reclaim some of those precious minutes for yourself. Use that time to read a book you've been eyeing, pursue a hobby, or simply unwind and recharge. By doing so, you're not just managing your time; you're investing in your own happiness.

When it comes to time, I’m challenging myself to better estimate time and to plan ahead, so that I’m not always rushing and late. I’m a major work in process in this area, but recently the twins had a birthday party to attend, and I was determined not to be late. Therefore, I got us all ready way ahead of time because I realized it would be better to sit around dressed early than to wait until the last minute. It turns out, we arrived early and were the first guests. This helped me have a peaceful attitude and allowed for time to unload the twins out of the car without issue. I felt like a champ!

Question to ponder: How could I use my time better?

H for Health

Think of your body as a well-tuned machine. For it to thrive, it needs the right fuel, regular maintenance, and downtime. That's where health comes in. Thriving starts with taking care of your physical and mental well-being. Maybe it's as simple as swapping a sugary snack for a piece of fruit, going for a daily walk, or ensuring you get enough sleep. Small changes in your habits can have a big impact on your overall health. When you feel good physically and mentally, you're better equipped to tackle life's challenges with a smile.

In the health department, I still have a ways to go, but I’ve been working on it by more regularly consulting with my doctor, implementing strategies to reduce stress and anxiety, and cooking balanced meals more often. The other day I made 4 vegetables to go with our dinner, and I intentionally made big servings, so that we could have extra throughout the week.

Questions to ponder: In what ways can I improve my health this week? This month? Do I need to see the doctor?

R for Resilience

Life has a knack for throwing curveballs our way. Resilience is your secret weapon for not just weathering those storms but also growing through them. It's about embracing setbacks as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.

Think back to a time when you faced a significant challenge—a tough job loss, a personal loss, or a setback in your career. Remember how you bounced back, perhaps even stronger and wiser? That's resilience in action. It's the ability to adapt, learn, and find the silver lining, no matter how dark the cloud.

I have personally found that my resilience is tied to my faith. Even when things have seemed hopeless and my faith was tested, I ultimately clinged to hope that God wouldn’t leave or forsake me. By fortifying my faith, that has helped me to be resilient throughout my life.

Question to ponder: Am I having a pity party, or am I willing to shift my perspective for the better?

I for Innovation

Innovation might sound like a buzzword, but it's simply about being open to new ideas and perspectives. It's the willingness to venture outside your comfort zone and explore uncharted territory.

Consider this: Maybe you've always wanted to start a side hustle or create something you wish existed. Innovation is giving yourself permission to chase those dreams. It's about nurturing your creativity and curiosity, which can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

When it comes to innovation, it’s important to understand the answers you’re looking for may not be out there in others because it’s actually in you. You are the prototype. Trust your instincts. Trust your ability to learn. Trust that you can win! Walk boldly into your purpose. This truly helps us to feel more fulfilled.

Question to ponder: When was the last time I created space for creativity?

V for Values

What truly matters to you? Your values are your compass, guiding your choices and actions. Thriving means living in sync with these values, whether they're centered around family, community, career, or personal growth.

Picture this: If family is your top value, you'll make a conscious effort to spend quality time with your loved ones, even amid life's busy schedule. When you align your choices with your values, you'll find a deeper sense of purpose and contentment in your everyday life.

With values, prioritization is also paramount, especially when you have many values. I have learned that everything can’t be the priority every single day. Right now, although connecting with my community on social media is important to me, I have other things that are my top priority right now, so that means showing up less online. Thriving for me looks like saying yes to what’s most important day to day, and saying no when I need to.

Questions to ponder: What do I value most in this current season? Is my focus in line with my values?

E for Engagement

Last but certainly not least is engagement—the art of being present in the moment and connecting with others. We often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to savor the beauty of simple interactions.

Imagine this: Instead of rushing through your daily routines, you slow down and truly enjoy your morning coffee, savoring the flavor and the warmth. You engage in meaningful conversations with friends and colleagues, deepening your connections. By embracing the here and now, you infuse your life with joy and fulfillment.

Question to ponder: Who or what do I need to connect with this week?

I’m reminding myself that more consistently incorporating these six pillars into my life doesn't in fact require a radical transformation. It's about making small, meaningful changes that align with your unique journey. As you weave these elements into your day to day, I hope you'll discover that thriving isn't an elusive goal—it's a way of life that's within our reach.

Have a glowing day!