Daily 7: Pour into my family and community

Welcome to Day 3 of the Daily 7!  I hope you made time for self-care yesterday. Let's keep the train moving and dive into one of my most important daily focuses.

Family and Community

I don't believe that any of us are meant to do life alone. ‘Your people’ aren't the same as mine, but we all have our person/people who are an important part of our lives. The most important people in my life are my family, so loving on, caring for and spending time with them is something I prioritize. Journeying through life with them is my greatest joy.

lifestyle blogger

Mrs. Tyson and Cass and Cam's momma are titles I wear proudly. As the sayings go – family first and family over everything. Even though I live with my family 24/7 (and sometimes mama needs her breaks lol), I still focus on being intentional in my relationship with each of them. This is key because sometimes it's the people closest to us who we take for granted unintentionally, and I want to avoid falling victim to that because family is a gift.  

I don't want my role to only be limited to the day to day responsibilities either, which are important and matter, but I'm also intentional about making time for the special and simple memories that end up mattering most. Moments like family movie night…playing a few rounds of Uno with the kids (and being pressed when I win lol)…taking cooking classes with the kids…date nights with my husband…pillow talk and romance…laughs, hugs, exchanging I love you's and more. The daily moments with family matter and add up!

People don't always remember what you do, but they do remember how you make them feel, so I aim to make my family always feel loved and important in my life. I am not perfect, so there have been times when I missed a football game, didn't play with dolls when my daughter asked, or ordered take out when my husband wanted a home cooked meal, but whenever I ‘miss the mark’, I don't let that define me, and I give myself grace. I also do occasional check-ins with them to check the pulse of how they feel I'm mommin' and wifin'. Just like we get performance reviews at work, I think it's good to get the perspectives of those we love on how we're speaking to their love language(s).

In addition to my immediate family, my entire family, friends and community (that includes you) are important to me, too. Now sure, I don't always connect with everyone daily, but I'm a firm believer in having a well-rounded circle, which means having meaningful relationships outside of being a mom and wife. Being a daughter is important, a sister, a friend, a relative, a colleague, a glow getter cheerleader and more. I love going from engaging with my tribe online, to cracking up laughing at my brother or friends on the phone, to collaborating with another boss lady. So even though this doesn't happen daily, when it happens it's love! 

Whether we have similar titles that we wear or not, I hope this serves as a reminder to love your people well, and make time for the special and everyday moments that matter.


The goal each day is to cultivate your own daily focuses. With this in mind, throughout this series, there are accompanying daily prompts and action steps to help you minimize the less meaningful and prioritize the most meaningful. For exclusive access to the these action steps and the full Daily 7 resources and guide, subscribe below.

Have a glowing day!

