Daily 7: Focus on my mission and pursue my vision

Welcome to Day 4 of the Daily 7! Today, I’m talking about our passions and profession.

Mission + Vision

My personal and professional mission and vision are a big focus for me. They keep me up at night - literally (y'all know I'm a night owl lol). But seriously, offering my gifts to the world, fulfilling my purpose and pursuing my dreams are on my mind daily.

glow getter gear

Let me let you in on a secret…I sometimes live in the future. So I focus on my long term goals often. Am I alone? While this is not necessarily a bad thing, I have to balance that with the here and now, so I try to be intentional about being present, taking things one step at a time and executing on my short term goals bit by bit, as that ultimately paves the way for the long term goals. One example of this is my goal planning for the Shalyce Tyson lifestyle brand. In January, I blocked off a weekend to brainstorm and identify my goals for 2021. I then broke those down into quarterly goals and then monthly action steps. Now that all sounds good until it's time to execute, so that's where the daily focus on mission and vision comes into play (I take weekends off though lol). In order for the goals to be achieved, I have to put in work and in order to put in work, I have to be focused. 

I try to stay focused a few ways that include, but aren't limited to: 

1) Look at my vision board every morning and visualize while I do it. This one is major y'all!

2) Review my action items for the day/week/month/quarter/year in my planner and project management system, and I have notifications and deadlines enabled. I'm not always 100% on top of this, but when I am, the payoff is huge.

3) Meet with my accountability partner bi-weekly. This has been game changing, and I'll dive into this sometime in the future.

4) Learn from virtual mentors. I learned of this idea from Nicaila of Side Hustle Pro. I don't currently have a business mentor, but in the meantime, that doesn't stop me from learning from others virtually through webinars, courses, podcasts, online content and more.

5) Select a motivating screen saver on my phone's home and lock screen. 

6) Work hard to minimize distractions. Ya'll know I love Instagram, and while showing up there is a huge part of how I share content and engage with others, I make it a point not to hang out in the IG streets doing a scroll party all day long because that is a distraction.

7) Encourage myself. The road is not always easy. People will not always understand, clap or support. Mistakes will happen, and failure, too. But those affirmations I mentioned to y'all on Sunday are so essential in staying motivated through it all. One of my favorite encouraging affirmations is “I am equipped”. 

8) Remind myself of my why(s) often.

9) Try to stick to one task at a time. I don't like to multi-task to the max, as it fuels my anxiety, so I try to remain disciplined in working on one thing before moving on to the next. I keep a note pad and use the notes app on my phone to write down things that pop up in mind when I'm working on something. I call this the parking lot, so I can park that thought, and get back to what I was originally focused on. 

10) Drink water and mind my business. (this the one right here!) 

While our unique passions and professions and mission and vision may differ, one thing we have in common is that we are glow getters. So I hope some of what I shared today helps you remain focused as you work hard to achieve your personal and professional goals.


The goal each day is to cultivate your own daily focuses. With this in mind, throughout this series, there are accompanying daily prompts and action steps to help you minimize the less meaningful and prioritize the most meaningful. For exclusive access to the these action steps and the full Daily 7 resources and guide, subscribe below.

Have a glowing day!

