Women's HERstory Spotlight - Keelay Carter

Today is the last day of Women’s History Month, and I’m closing out my HERstory series with my girl, Keelay Carter, who is a gem. Fun fact: we met during a human resources course for our daytime jobs. As fellow content creators, we mutually and genuinely support each other, and I’m grateful our friendship. Learn more about her and how she encourages others to live with purpose.


keelay carter

Share with the glow getter gang a little bit about yourself.

I’m the CEO and founder of the Keelay Carter Experience, a woman of faith, a wife of 6 years, mom to 2 amazing boys (ages 7 and 3), and a HR Specialist 9-5. I love connecting with other women and mothers, encouraging them as much as I can, and inspiring others through my transparent journey. I love a good karaoke night, skating, dancing my worries away, creating family memories and of course a good Target run!

As women, we sometimes don't give ourselves enough credit. However, I want you to take a moment to celebrate yourself. Please share one or more of your wins, or something you're proud of or excited about.

This year in 2021, I've been able to connect with women in a way that I've always wanted to connect, celebrate, encourage, and inspire. Pivoting my brand, creating awareness behind my brand, speaking on panels and creating partnerships in the community.

I love cheering on and celebrating glow getters - women committed to growth, achieving their goals and glowing from the inside out. Please share the names of at least 2 women who you feel embody what it means to be a glow getter and why.

My sister Nikita (@KitagotKakes) is the first, seeing her journey, the trials she has had to overcome, the strength that she possesses even when all odds are stacked against her but continuing to build and pour into others inspires me and she truly glows from the inside out with her gifts, talents and a giving heart. Raising 3 amazing children, two successful college students and one amazing middle schooler as a single mother. She never allows her circumstances to determine her future.

The second is Kacey (@_KayAlex_). I met Kacey through social media, but then got to know her a little more through her warm heart of giving and pouring into women she brought together an amazing group of women, "The Sunshine Sisters" where we exchanged gifts with women from different states of the world during a pandemic to bring cheer and joy! Recently, I had the opportunity to be on a panel with Kacey, and hearing her story, her journey, her testimony truly blessed me and my admiration of her grew because she's truly a warrior of strength. The way she continues to bring joy to others, creating a light and laughter wherever she is and keeping it real confidently and unapologetically is absolutely amazing!

Women's history month is dedicated to celebrating not only women as a whole, but also our contributions that have helped shaped history, society, families and more. With that in mind, share the name of 1 woman you admire and why.

My Mother, she truly is one of the strongest women I know. Her story is literally meant to change and impact lives, her story is the vision and purpose behind my brand, her strength, her love, her mindset change to continue fighting no matter what it looks like is truly inspiring. My mom has fought so many battles behind closed doors, endured so much judgement from others, dealt with self-doubt, fear, mistakes of the past as we all have but to be able to continue to fight when there's literally nothing left to fight for at times truly keeps me going from day to day. When I hear my mom say she's proud of us today it truly means the world to me because although we didn't always hear it as children the ability for us to reciprocate that we're just as proud of her is worth it all. I'm thankful that her story and her testimony wasn't hidden because it gave each and every one of her children the fight that no one can ever take away from us. The foundation of faith that she helped us build to stand on is something we will have forever and I'm forever grateful for everything that she went through to become the woman, mom, grandma she is today!

Show Keelay some love in the comments. Be sure to follow her on Instagram @keelay_carter, and visit her blog and shop at keelaycarter.com.

Have a glowing day!

