15 Family Friendly Summer Activities

It’s official that distance learning will commence in the Fall. While I think this is best for safety, I’d be lying if I said the thought of working and managing virtual learning doesn’t stress me out. To delay bogging my mind down with what’s to come, I’m keeping my focus on the present…Camp Quarantine! In an effort to up the fun, I sat down with my 2 campers last week to gauge what else they wanted to do over the summer. So far their recurring favorites have been staying up late and waking up late, outdoor fun and games, cooking, electronics and lots of welcomed leisure. I love how the little things are essentially big things to kids.

dc family activities

Now of course Camp Quarantine is no match for the non-stop fun of real camp or the excitement of vacation. However, I’m doing what I can to make safe summer still a fun summer for the kiddos.⁠ Today, I’m sharing some of the ideas the kids came up with for this summer, a few of which we’ve already done. They were so excited to develop this list, and we wrote it on our dry erase board, so that it remains top of mind to check off the bucket list. Let’s see how many are already on your family’s list or will be added.

1 — Backyard Camping

Cam begged for a tent for his birthday, and it has come in handy. We haven’t had the backyard camping night yet, but he did enjoy a daytime camp experience. Again, kids find joy in the smallest things, so they literally brought snacks, games, and more to the tent and were camped out in it having a blast. The smallest change of scenery and routine can do wonders. The best part is his tent is so easy to set up — check it out below.

2 — Movie Night

This is one of our family’s favorite activities. The only issue we run into at times is agreeing on what to watch, but once we finally decide on something it turns into an enjoyable night for us all. Hubby and baby girl always fall asleep first, but me and Cam are the night owls and see the whole movie through.

3 — Virtual Classes or Camps

Although most aren’t doing in-person camps, there are a ton of virtual options. The beauty of these classes/camps is your child can develop academically if you opt for an educational camp or they can learn a new skill or craft if you go with an extracurricular camp. So far my kids have enjoyed cooking and music classes (voice lessons for Cass and beat making for Cam). Next on the list are art classes, and I’m on the look out for even more classes.

4 — Fishing

Cameron enjoyed fishing with hubby last week and had the best time! They caught so many fish, and it was a great father son bonding experience.

5 — Petting Farms

Local attractions that are still open during the pandemic are generally offering social distanced experiences and timed entry. Two places in the DMV where you can see animals and enjoy other fun activities are Clark’s Elioak Farm and Roer’s Zoofari. Cassidy enjoyed a pony ride, train ride, cow ride and seeing animals at Clark’s Elioak Farm, and we’ll be taking part in a self drive safari and walking tour at Zoofari soon.

6 — Arts and Crafts

Let the kids express their creativity! Through painting and other artistic means, we’re setting aside time for the kids to imagine, create and have fun. Cameron loves to paint and Cassidy loves to color, so every week they’ll get opportunities to create new masterpieces.

7 — Social Distancing Dining and Excursions

Our goal is to remain quarantined as mush as possible; however, we’ve agreed to at least a once a week outing. Whether it’s an outdoor, social distanced brunch or going to the farm like mentioned above, we’re making some time for fresh air, with safety in mind.

8 — Family Walks, Hikes and Biking

The biking has been an almost daily staple for the kids and hubby took them on a bike ride, too. I need to get a bike so I can join in on the fun. In the meantime, walks around the neighborhood have been doing the trick, which our dog enjoys, too.

9 — Game Night

We love games, just like we love movies. I play Uno with Cassidy daily, and hubby and Cam love Connect 4. We’ll do a game of Monopoly and Scrabble Junior before the summer is out. Another game that Cassidy and I like that helps her with spelling too is Zingo, which has a bingo vibe. Grab one for your preschooler or elementary schooler, and thank me later!

10 — DIY Mani and Pedis

Cassidy loves getting her nails done. I haven’t gotten my full set back yet, so the other day I did her nails and mine, and it was a great mommy me and moment.

11 — Jewelry Making

There are tons of jewelry making kits out there, and if your little lady is anything like mine, she’ll proudly rock her self made jewelry around the house just because for fun.

12 — Start a new hobby or business

We’re using the rest of the summer to focus on getting started with some of things the kids have expressed interest in to see if they’ll remain hobbies or if in fact budding businesses grow. Stay tuned ;) If your child has an interest, why not use the summer to see where it can go.

13 — Puzzles

This was on Cassidy’s list, and I enjoy watching her put them together literally everyday. So much so, I’ll be ordering her new puzzles, and one is already on the way from her Auntie. Are your kids puzzle lovers?

14 — Pretend Play

Cassidy loves to invite me to her “store”, play and create scenes with her dolls, style hair and more. Cameron is more of the video and phone gamer, but he’ll come up with battle scenarios when it comes to Nerf guns. There will come a day when all they care about is their phones, so I encourage them to play as much as possible.

15 — Water Play

Last but not least, it’s hot outside, so we’ll be incorporating water play. Whether it’s water guns and water balloons fights, a slip and side or an inflatable pool, a little splish splash is on their list.

Alright, those are our top 15! I hope you found today’s round up helpful! For those running "camp" while working, how's it going? Let me know below, and if you end up trying any of these activities, please share by tagging me on Instagram @shalycetyson.

Have a glowing day!



* Disclosure: Shalyce Tyson is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. However, this does NOT affect the price nor costs you any extra. The items listed above above are all items I have personally used, read or like.