12 Books in 12 Months

Reading was a big goal for me last year because I firmly believe that the more you know, the more you grow. I generally only read personal development, professional development or finance books, so in my case, reading really does increase my knowledge. I previously struggled with finishing books, so I habitually started books that I never finished. Well, last year, I set out to read 12 books in 12 months. And guess what?! I reached my goal (partly in thanks to Audible)! Talk about proud! It’s another reminder that when you focus and decide that you want something, you can do anything.

Now, while I’m proud of myself for achieving my goal, it’s not a goal that I have this year. What I learned is that while I loved all 12 books, I would have liked more time to apply the principles of each book while I was reading and immediately after. I essentially read 1 book a month, which didn’t allow for much application time, especially since I gave birth to the twins in February. That said, a few of these I plan to reread. I didn’t take notes as much as I would have wanted to, but find a round up of what I read and why I loved it. I also shared links of where you can get each book on sale.

Feeding the Soul by Tabitha Brown

10/10 Highly Recommend. It’s in the Top 5 of all the books I’ve ever read. I listened on Audible, and loved hearing it in Auntie Tab’s voice. I also purchased the book, so that I could highlight key parts and gems to reflect on later. Her story and authenticity is sooooo inspiring! I finished that book feeling more encouraged to walk in purpose and to know that what’s for me won’t miss me.

Will by Will Smith

10/10 Highly Recommend. Now this was thee audiobook of audiobooks! The inflection of Will’s voice, the music, the everything…so so good! Now, his story was so interesting from his childhood, challenges with his father, his start in the industry, his own personal struggles…his vulnerability and self awareness was extremely refreshing and inspiring.

Get Good With Money by Tiffany Aliche

When it comes to finances, this book lays down the foundation for becoming financially whole and breaks it out into 10 steps. While I had many of the steps already covered, there were others I didn’t. This is definitely a book I wish I had in college, but it’s one you can read at anytime.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by stephen covey

When we change our habits, we can change our lives. The perspectives and 7 habits covered in this book were so helpful.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

A must read! I love the author’s unique and refreshing perspective on creative living.

The Lazy Genius Way by kendra adachi

This was such a validating book. As a busy mom, who is working a full-time job and running a business, the last thing I have is time to waste on things that don’t matter to me. I love the author’s approach to prioritizing what matters most to you personally in an effort to get things done.

The 4 Agreements by don ruiz

This book is simple, yet powerful at the same time! It’s truly a guide on the path to enlightenment and freedom.

Badass Habits by Jen sincero

This is the second book by Jen Sincero, and I just love her perspectives. I listened to this on Audible because her voice is like the kick in the butt that we all need. This book on habits is a must read, and if I had to compare to the other book on habits that I read, I would pick this one as the one to read first.

Everyday Magic by Mattie James

I love Mattie’s online content, so I was intrigued to grab her book. I really enjoyed it and how it emphasizes practical ways we can find joy in each day. Life is more than just the big moments…each day can be special when we let it, and this book normalizes that and provides a guide on how to do just that.

How We Heal by alex elle

I am always so inspired by Alex and her work, from her motivating and real online content to her inspiring books. After the Rain was such an amazing and insightful read. Needless to say, How We Heal did not disappoint either. Whether you’re on your own personal healing journey or not, the stories and gems in this book are spot on.

The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by marie kondo

Now, I’ll be honest in saying I haven’t implemented the strategies in this book yet, but if you are looking to better organize your home like me, this book has some really helpful tips.

We Should All Be Millionaires by rachel rogers

10/10 Highly Recommend. This is easily one of the top 5 books I’ve ever read! I actually re-read this book last year because it’s that good. I’m at the beginning of my journey in becoming a millionaire, and by beginning I mean I have a looooong way to go lol! However, that’s not stopping me from applying the principles Rachel shared in this book. This is a must read finance and women’s empowerment book.

I hope you love and enjoy these books! Have you read any of these or are planning to now? Share in the comments to let me know.

Have a glowing day!