Fall 2020 Bucket List

Happy First Day of October! As we kick off quarter 4, I decided to make a Fall bucket list, comprised of goals and fall fun. While Fall staples like carving a pumpkin and roasting smores are on my list, more of my focus is on making the best of these last 92 days left in 2020. I know many have cancelled 2020 out completely because it’s been a rough year, but as the year has shown us things can turn around suddenly. In the case of quarter 4, I hope things turn around for the good. So here are some things on my to do list for this Fall.

1 — VOTE!

We must ALL vote! I’m charging everyone I know and in my community to vote — whether that’s early, in person, via mail, etc. Just vote! Please ensure you are registered to vote here.

2 — Read/Finish at least 3 books

I’m currently reading You are a Badass at Making Money by Jin Sincero, which is amazing! I also need to finish the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I’m behind on my 2020 reading goals, but I’m hoping to end the year strong.

3 — Reorganize kitchen pantry (and the house in general…but 1 room at a time)

I binge watched Get Organized with The Home Edit on Netflix a few weeks ago, and it’s got me all fired up to buy containers, labels and all things home organization. My husband is more of the neat freak in our home, but the show has definitely got my wheels turning. I’d love to tackle making our pantry look like the shelves of a store when they first open lol. Stay tuned!

4 — Refine daily schedule to better balance work, motherhood and wellness

Balance is always a hot topic for mamas. In the midst of the pandemic while working, while managing virtual learning and all the things, it’s even more of a hot topic. I had clinical psychologist, Dr. Amber Thornton on for last week’s Fourth Fridays With Friends, and she dropped some gems to help the mamas better balance work, motherhood and wellness. One of the things I loved was the acronym she shared for balanced.

B - Bold and firm boundaries

A - Assertiveness in communicating your needs

L - Living fully in all of your identities

A - Always prioritizing your wellness

N - Never being afraid of change

C - Community motherhood

E - Effectively managing your anxiety and guilt

D - Delegating and collaborating with other people

This Fall I’m definitely focusing on all 8 of these in my aim to have more balance in my life.

5 — Visit Montpelier Farms’ Fall Festival

You may have seen on Instagram last week that I had the pleasure of partnering with Montpelier Farms in Upper Marlboro, Maryland for a Fall giveaway of 4 passes to their Fall festivities. The kids and I enjoyed a great afternoon at one of their Wednesday play days, and we’re planning to go back to their weekend Fall Festival before the season is over. You should definitely check it out if your’e in the local area to enjoy their pumpkin patch, corn maze, hay rides, apple cider donuts and more.

6 — Random acts of kindness

Giving back and community service are important year round, and the holidays is always an extra special time to be a blessing to those in need. Thus, I’ll be doing some random acts of kindness around Thanksgiving for families in need. I also want to focus on some random acts of kindness for my online community and family and friends this Fall. Lord knows our world could use more kindness.

7 — Invest in myself

Investing in self care is at the top of my list this Fall! I sacrifice self care more than I should, so I’m changing that. I redecorated my front porch, so some quiet wind downs in my egg chair is 1 small way I’ll be getting in me time. I also have personal goals I created at the top of the year, so I’m investing time to focus on those.

8 — Quality time with family and friends

I love spending time with my family and friends, and the pandemic has limited some of that. But I’m hoping to host or attend an intimate couples date night, have more family fun nights with hubby and the kids, and have more Sunday dinners and invite family and friends. How are you guys spending time with family and friends this Fall?

9 — Fall fun and decor

The kids are excited about Halloween already, so I’m trying to figure out a safe way for them to enjoy some Halloween fun. The planner in me will come up with something for sure. We’ll definitely carve pumpkins and roast smores in our firepit. Fall decor is also in full swing. Just a few more touches left to go! I’ll share soon.

10 — Put in work to reach revenue and business goals

Last but not least, I’m putting in work. Dreams don’t work unless you do, so I’m committing to do the work and revisiting the goals I set at the beginning of the year. I’m also giving my credit for where I’ve moved the needle on my business goals. I’m proud of myself, and I hope you’re proud of yourself, too.

Alright, those are my top 10 focuses for this Fall. What’s 1 or 2 things on your list? Share below.

Keep going, growing, and glowing!

