Shalyce Tyson

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Valentine Breakfast Board

Galentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day are coming up, and if you love food like me, then I have the perfect thing for you. Presenting the Valentine Breakfast Board! With this deliciousness, you can indulge in a brunch that's all about love and flavor. This spread is not just a typical meal either; it's serving up celebratory vibes, cute aesthetics, good food, and hopefully you enjoy it with good company. I enjoyed my board with my children, who absolutely loved it! So, let's dive into the step-by-step guide to recreate this breakfast masterpiece that stole the show in our kitchen.

step 1: Plan your board

As you can see, my board included heart-shaped waffles, pancakes, bacon, sausage, fried apples, heart-shaped strawberries, and veggie omelettes. It was a breakfast made with extra love, and perfect for turning a normal Saturday into a special occasion for my family. Now, the beauty of a breakfast board is you can customize it however you like. Thus, I recommend you first plan out what items you want to include and consider any dietary restrictions of your breakfast guests. Other options that would be yummy are french toast, other heart shaped fruit, salmon cakes and more.

Step 2: Ingredients and Tools

Once you’ve set the menu, then it’s time to grab everything you need. I’ve made it easy for you by linking the heart-shaped waffle maker here, love-themed paper products here, and boards here. Aside from that, you’ll just need to pick up the ingredients for your breakfast items from your local grocery store.

STEP 3: Let's Get Cookin'

Now, onto the fun part – making the magic happen. Recipes and cooking steps are as follows:

Heart-Shaped Waffles: Spray your waffle iron with cooking spray, and add waffle mix according to the instructions included with the waffle iron. They cook pretty quickly since they are mini waffles, so typically they are done within a couple minutes. For the waffle mix, I used the Pearl Milling Company Original Complete Mix.

Pancakes: I also used the Pearl Milling Company Original Complete Mix for this. I grease my griddle with butter and olive oil before dropping my mix on the griddle. This helps to create those crispy golden edges that I love on pancakes.

Bacon and Sausage: Simply use your favorite brand(s) and cook according to the package. You can’t mess this up unless you burn it lol, so just keep an eye on the pan.

Fried Apples: My mom actually made these and black mothers typically don’t follow step by step directions, they just cook it right every time somehow. However, here’s a recipe to try.

Heart-Shaped Strawberries - Slice and shape like a pro. The key is just making a v at the top of the strawberr.

Veggie Omelettes - You can try egg muffins or stick to to traditional omelettes using your favorite veggies.


Add your personal touch to the board and get creative. If you want to plate yours like mine, check out the video below. Otherwise, simply have fun with it and let your creativity shine through.


As you enjoy this love-filled breakfast/brunch, remember it's not just about the food; it's about sharing the joy. Craft your version of the Valentine Breakfast Board, savor every bite, and spread that love. Happy brunching, glow getters!

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Tap In: What’s your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch or Dinner? Let me know in the comments.

Have a glowing day!

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